Spatial structure: Dynamic and stable structure in the construction industry

An open three-dimensional rigid structure frame is constructed by engaging struts in a specific geometric pattern. An integral body that supports heavy loads applied at any point by evenly distributing its weight in all directions. It is intended to operate as a unit. Spatial structures are commonly used to span / cover large areas with little internal support. Some of the unique features of:

The spatial structure is as follows.

  • Great extensibility
  • Expansion with additional units
  • Lightweight construction / shed
  • High aesthetics

Many companies has designed and built many exciting projects around the world using a variety of configurations. Space frames are usually designed using a rigid matrix. Rigidity, as one of its properties, makes the spatial frame independent of angular factors. Technical aspects of dynamic and dimensionally stable spatial structure:

The combination of vertices and lines determines the shape of the structural shape. In the geometry of dynamic spatial structures, it is important that the structure can stand in different configurations. The essence of achieving this is dimensional stability. The structure is dimensionally stable if the configuration does not change as a result of external forces.

  • Constructive stability:The basic property of spatial structure is that it is dimensionally stable. The constructive stability of the spatial structure means that it cannot move out of control. This aspect cannot be calculated, but it can be analyzed using various techniques and methods.
  • Technical feasibility:The design of the gridshells must be technically feasible. This means that you will only get a more valuable structure if done physically; demonstrating that the project design works the same as it was designed.
  • Structural calculation:Structural calculation is one of the important technical aspects because it can provide more detailed information such as structural deformations and forces at nodes. If the spatial structure needs to support higher loads, the structural elements will be oversized. As a result, the structural calculations will play an important role in analyzing the overall load distribution of the spatial frame structure.

Spatial frames offer various shapes, and standard modules can be used to generate multiple flat spatial grids, grid shells, and even free shapes. Architects appreciate the visual beauty and striking simplicity of the lines of the spatial frame. The tendency for structural elements to be exposed as part of architectural expression is very pronounced. The desire for openness, both for visual impact and the ability to adapt to different space requirements, always requires a spatial frame as the most preferred solution.

Space frames are usually lightweight yet sufficiently rigid. This is due to the full participation of its three-dimensional features and its components. The high rigidity of the space frame also increases the flexibility of column design and placement. In addition, most space frames are now made of steel or aluminium, which significantly reduces their weight. This is especially important for large span ceilings that have led to some notable application examples.


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